Yellow Ribbon on an old Oak Tree

The custom of tying a yellow ribbon dates back to the first century to symbolize waiting for love or loved ones. Here in the United States, the custom dates back to the Civil War, but really gained popularity during World War I as a way for people to show support for our soldiers overseas. I can vividly remember when I was 10/11, the practice spreading all around my town during the Persian Gulf War. It is not secret that I am a huge believer in supporting and thanking our troops for all that they do to protect our freedoms and lives. Although there have been great efforts put in place to bring many of our troops home, there are still tens of thousands of troops that remain overseas. So, today, for my random act of kindness, I have decided to hopefully spark back up the practice of tying a yellow ribbon on trees outside of homes. The only issue that I have is that I don't have a tree. Luckily, I spoke with my mom and she said that I can tie the ribbon around the old oak tree (how cliche) at her house. Later this evening, I will head there and take care of my random act and hopefully everyone on her block sees it as a reminder to support our men and women who risk and give their lives for us.

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