She Wore a Yellow Ribbon meaning
By Tags: scarf, she wore a yellow ribbon, yellow ribbon
By Russ Morgan
Sung by the Andrews Sisters
“Round her neck she wore a yellow ribbon
She wore it in the winter
And the merry month of May
When I asked her, Why the yellow ribbon?
She said, It’s for my lover who is far far away.
Far away, far away, far away, far away
She said, It’s for my lover who is far far away
Far away, far away, far away, far away
She said, It’s for my lover who is far far away.
When, at first, she met a winsome Johnny
He wasn’t sure her heart was pure
Her eyes were far too bold
So, round her neck
He tied a yellow ribbon
He tied a yellow ribbon
‘Cause it matched her hair of gold
Hair of gold, hair of gold
He tied a yellow ribbon
‘Cause it matched her hair of gold
Hair of gold, hair of gold
He tied a yellow ribbon
For her eyes were far too bold.
If, perchance, you spy a lovely maiden
And by her side, there walks with pride
A Johnny strong and gay
And round her neck there is a yellow ribbon
No matter how you love her
Please stay far far away,
Far away, far away, far away, far away
No matter how you love her
Please stay far far away
Far away, far away, far away, far away
Her love is for another
So stay far far away
Far far away
Far far away
For her lover who is far far away.”
Is the song familiar to you? In this song, there are some interesting elements, are you aware of them? Maybe they can help us in our search for the meaning of the yellow ribbon. In the song, the hero may be a soldier or a sailor going abroad. He tied the yellow ribbon in the girl’s hair. He would be leaving her for a period of time. The girl wore the ribbon to remember him. In the song, we can see why the hero tied the yellow ribbon in her hair? It was because of the bold look in her eyes and because of the golden hair. In the symbolism there is a question about the girl that seems to be associated with the meaning of the yellow ribbon. Her lover is not entirely sure of her. There is also a reference to her golden hair. If the girl in question proves true this would seem to be a promise of a future crowning glory.
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