Yellow Ribbon on dogs collar
Most dogs are boundlessly friendly and delighted to mingle with other dogs when out and about, but there are some who, for whatever reason, need a bit more “personal space”, either for a specific reason (perhaps they’re elderly or unwell) or simply because they’re nervous by nature.
Other dog owners out on your local dog-walking route obviously won’t know this about your dog, but they still have a responsibility to understand that their dogs’ actions can sometimes upset other dogs. Most owners will do their best to be considerate as long as they know the score, but how to communicate this?
Well the charity organisation Yellow Dog UK has come up with an excellent solution – a simple yellow ribbon you can tie around your dogs lead and/or collar that alerts fellow dog walkers to the fact your dog wants some space. Visit the Yellow Dog UK website and request a free ribbon; the idea is to use the ribbon to indicate that your dog is:
nervous around other dogs
- in season
- unwell
- in training
- being walked by someone unsure of dogs and lacks confidence
- known to react badly to the attention of other dogs
This will alert those familiar with the campaign to keep their dog, or possibly their enthusiastic children, away from your dog, meaning issues are kept to a minimum.
It also offers an opportunity to raise awareness of the campaign with other dog owners who don’t yet understand the significance of the ribbon – don’t miss any chance to tell other dog walkers about the scheme so they can pass on the message. Yellow Dog UK hope word of mouth will ensure most dog walkers eventually come to appreciate what the yellow ribbons mean.
So if you see a dog with a yellow ribbon, bandanna or similar on his lead or collar when out walking, then please understand this is a dog which needs some space. Please do not approach him with your dog. Only his owner will know how close is “too close”, so if possible maintain a sensible distance and give them time to move out of your way.
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